How Long To Remodel a Kitchen in Florida

How Long Does a Kitchen Remodel Take?

You’ve watched many home makeover TV shows and are now ready to re-do your own kitchen. Those shows are fun to watch because they show fantastic home transformations. Kitchens go from old and outdated to new and modern in minutes. That’s the magic of television. You’re only getting glimpses of the remodeling process. Real-life remodels take a bit longer and require time for proper planning and preparation to ensure a successful kitchen upgrade. How long your kitchen upgrade takes depends on factors such as the amount of work to be completed, hidden problems, materials and the size of your space. 

Kitchen Renovation Timeline

There is no “set in stone” timeline for how long a kitchen remodel should take. Your contractor will give you a completion date based on their previous experience with similar jobs, but each project has its own nuances. How long your specific kitchen remodel takes depends mainly on the scope of the work and lead time on materials. The actual work typically takes anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months. Upgrades such as cabinet, fixtures and appliance changes can be completed much faster than a full remodel that consists of demolition and kitchen layout changes. Remember that the size of your kitchen affects how long it takes to complete your kitchen makeover. Smaller spaces can typically be completed sooner.

Does Your Kitchen Upgrade Project Require Permitting?

When discussing your kitchen remodel project, ask your contractor if they need to pull permits. Most cosmetic changes do not require a permit, but any type of demolition, enlarging, moving, repairing or structural changes will need proper permitting. Ask what the time frame is, including permitting, as you must allow time for planning and designing as well as the permit process and inspections from your municipality. 

Municipal permits may include city, county, or even state permits for activities related to remodeling. Depending on where you live, you may also require approval from a homeowners association (HOA) or condominium association board. While each HOA has its own policy, the general process is to submit a proposal spelling out everything you plan on having done. Some boards also request information regarding who will be completing the work. 

Reasons Why Your Kitchen Remodel May Take Longer

Little hiccups can occur during any construction project, including kitchen remodeling. Most issues aren’t showstoppers and can be easily smoothed over by good project management. Unfortunately, situations do occur that can delay your project’s completion. Remember, there are many common problems that arise that are out of your contractor’s control, such as:

  • Labor shortages
  • Contractor scheduling conflicts
  • Materials backorders or longer than usual lead times
  • Hidden or unknown issues
  • Permitting delays
  • Changes to the original plan or scope of work
  • Weather, illness or other unforeseen circumstances

Understand that the possibility of delays is real. It is not advisable to schedule a home improvement project if you have a tight time frame for completion.

Ways to Help Avoid Kitchen Project Delays

Things that are out of your control and that of the contractor can happen. However, preventative steps can be taken to avoid unnecessary delays and keep the project moving as smoothly as possible. Careful planning, staying with the original plan and sticking to your budget help ensure your kitchen remodel is completed on time. Choosing your products and materials at the start so they can be ordered quickly will help ensure everything is available when the work is slated to start. As with any relationship, communication is vital. Your contractor should be honest about delays and work with you to complete your kitchen on time or as close to the promised completion date as possible.